3rd Trimester

Ahhhh the waddly, itchy, sleepless phase.

I’m a type A who gets more from a completed to do list than a spa break, so having to watch Leon take on more and more of our daily home life now (as I grow, ache and moan) is a real drag. I’m hugely grateful but feel vulnerable because I’m dependant, and sometimes waste mental energy then berating myself for not ‘just getting on with it’ etc. I have to remind myself that I’m growing life! That is my only goal right now, and that this beautiful/frustrating time is temporary. Soon there’ll be a new baby, and only the seconds in front of me to be concerned with.

Are we more prepared this time? Surprisingly no. It only feels like yesterday Zia arrived, so between raising her, our monster dog and work, 9 months has flown! I think at this point we just have to accept we as a couple are in our post covid whirlwind, and it’s fantastic to be embracing the chaos together.

I feel both much younger & older knowing life is about to centre around our 2 little new people, I allow myself to imagine perfect Christmas times with all the extended family and I experience a future nostalgia I never have before. Partly this feels icky too though, idealism? And Self centred somehow.

I also feel some fear about recovery, breast feeding part 2 and how ‘2 under 2’ goes. But fear is human. Fear means life is happening.

As hardcore as 2 pregnancies back to back are, I will really miss this time. Pregnancy is dynamic, you have genuine daily purpose and the hormones can be euphoric! But honestly, give me wine, sleeping on my front, walking the dog, exercising, playing with Zia ache free, coffee, and my waistline back.

I’ve got lots to say about being pregnant with a baby to raise, but that’s for another post probably written in the early hours whilst hooked to a breast pump soon.

I’ll finish this with some of my greatest comforts in the 3rd trimester…


Have not slept without this for 2 years now. Absolute must have for anyone not looking to go through a divorce during pregnancy.


Tired a couple of different lotions & potions but this beloved oil is king. I don’t have any stretch marks yet, it smells great and amazingly doesn’t transfer to your clothes - who has time to wait for that shit to dry?!



Putting on a semi respectable outfit most days encourages showering, going out, feeling good and facing other humans. Yes, tracksuits are awesome, but I’ll be confined to one for a few weeks during c section recovery, so I’m exercising my fashion chops hard right now.


Nutritious meals

Leon is feeding us up good & proper! During my temporary carnivorous phase I’ve been enjoying some top notch home prepared scran including

  • Bolognese

  • NYC deli style beef & mustard bagels

  • Kedgree

  • Pies

  • Sausage & wholegrain Mash

  • Ice cream


The trusty Litter picker!

Special mention! Metaphorically, family & friends are picking up the pieces in my life right now, but in reality this device is picking up his fair share of my butterfingery dropped nonsense! Also gives cool penguin from batman vibes if held accordingly.